it’s the summer of 2010...something just went DOWN and I got ALL in my
feelings. I mean ALL in! Of course now, it being 2013, I have no idea
what that something was. Typical right? However, I do remember being
disgusted by the way I was handling the situation. I thought to myself
“well that’s just the way I am. I’ve always reacted to things this
way...hmph!” I soon realized that was the poorest excuse for having a
bad attitude I had ever heard.
The Salvation Process
the age of 5, I was baptized and a little over a year later I received
the holy ghost (for more information concerning salvation email me from
the Contact Page).
Since that day I have been in the process of what is called
sanctification, which prohibits me from using that tired excuse. No
longer can I lean on the crutch of simply “being me.” According
to II Corinthians 5:17, I am a new creature in Christ Jesus; old things,
habits, and attitudes are passed away, all things have become new.
The New Me
this scripture came to my memory I decided from that day forward I
would utilize the spirit in me to become more of a reflection of Christ
and less of a reflection of me. This was not just a spiritual
conviction but also a natural conviction. Christ made us fearfully and wonderfully, but leaves the maintenance up to us.
Therefore eating healthy, exercising, and being mindful of daily habits
are all ways to honor the way we were created and will even add years
to our lives!
After recording a number of Youtube videos challenging my old ways (to view click HERE) I decided to broaden my approach by creating this weblog/website that would challenge and inspire as many that are willing to forget those things which are behind and reach, strain, and press toward the things which are before.
So come on this journey with me as we become more of who God called us to be. Every week I will post my thoughts about the process of becoming new. Topics will cover both natural and spiritual challenges. Please be sure to check out the Guest Corner, which will feature people who inspire others through their passion, whether it be through natural or spiritual means. The Guest Corner, as well as, Art & Inspiration, and Hair & Fashion will be updated monthly. Just poke around, leave a Prayer Request and Testimonial, and lets be NEW in Christ!
After recording a number of Youtube videos challenging my old ways (to view click HERE) I decided to broaden my approach by creating this weblog/website that would challenge and inspire as many that are willing to forget those things which are behind and reach, strain, and press toward the things which are before.
So come on this journey with me as we become more of who God called us to be. Every week I will post my thoughts about the process of becoming new. Topics will cover both natural and spiritual challenges. Please be sure to check out the Guest Corner, which will feature people who inspire others through their passion, whether it be through natural or spiritual means. The Guest Corner, as well as, Art & Inspiration, and Hair & Fashion will be updated monthly. Just poke around, leave a Prayer Request and Testimonial, and lets be NEW in Christ!
-B. Landi
B. Landi, my pen name, reminds me of my purpose to not only live for myself but to live so that others are encouraged, enlightened, and inspired. So I charge you as well to B. Landi: Be a Legend and Inspiration.
Below is a video I recorded in 2010 discussing and SUBSCRIBE!
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